Cooking Classes

Support Kentucky's Special Olympics and TEAM AK in the Annual Polar Plunge

TEAM AK will be plunging into the icy waters of Kentucky Lake THIS Saturday, February 4 to support Kentucky's Special Olympics!!!!!!!!  BRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!  We're collecting donations at Artisan Kitchen--and IF we collect $10,000 owner DAVID JONES will take the plunge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (so if you happen to have an extra...say....$9700 lying around or you know someone who does who MIGHT want to donate it to the KENTUCKY SPECIAL OLYMPICS, please let us know!!!!!!!!!)

Or if you happen to be one of David Jones 771 Facebook friends and if each and EVERY one of you would be so kind as to send us a tax-deductible check in the amount of $12.97 made payable to the Kentucky Special Olympics, we would greatly appreciate it.

Or if you happen to be friends and/or acquaintances with any number of the Kennedy clan...yes THE KENNEDYS.  You know any one of them would be more than willing to donate to the Special Olympics --one of the Kennedy charitable organizations.  Contact your favorite Kennedy TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Cake Artists Jean Schrage, Brittny Miller and TIffany Dehart, and our newest Chef Jessi Donaldson are already scheduled to plunge!!  It would  just be a bonus for David Jones to jump, too.  Hey, if we raised an additional $10,000, do you think co-owner Karla Lawrence would polar plunge into Kentucky Lake as well??????

Jean Schrage took the plunge last year. "It really wasn't that's only cold for seconds" she said. "Plus it's not like you're on your own....everyone does it at once!"
The temperature on Saturday isn't predicted to be below freezing or even near freezing. It wasn't last year, either.  Outside it was about 60 degrees; the water temp was about 42 degrees. BRRRRRR!
The Polar Plunge is one of the biggest Special Olympics fundraisers of the year. The Plunge is a truly unique event and includes a fun, festive atmosphere with food and great prizes. The Plunge works just like a Walk-a-Thon, but with one big twist. Participants still solicit donations to support their effort (a bear minimum of $75 to take part or $50 for Junior Plungers). Instead of walking, Polar Bears take a chilly dip into the lake at Kentucky Dam Village State Resort Park.

Last year, the Polar Plunge raised a record $69,000 to support the efforts of Special Olympics Kentucky athletes.

In other Artisan Kitchen news....

We have several bake-it, take-it one dish suppers available:
Kentucky Hot Brown
Chicken Tetrazzini
Pesto Chicken
Chicken & Dressing
French Quarter Pasta
Meat Loaf
plus several side dishes and salads...

The Bakery Case is also full of some tasty selections:
Strawberry and Tart Lemon Trifle--YOU WANT THIS!!! YES YOU DO!!!!!!
German Chocolate Cake
Red Velvet Cake
Chocolate Covered Orange Cake
French Vanilla Butternut Cake
Carrot Cake
Banana Cake
Key Lime Cheesecake
Strawberry Swirl Cheesecake
Pineapple Macadamia Nut Cheesecake
New York Cheesecake
Brownie Sundae Cheesecake
Old fashioned Yellow Cake with Chocolate Butter cream Frosting--5-inch size!!! Perfect for 2!
Fresh Cobbler with Vanilla Bean Peach Filling
plus all of our delicious cookies and dessert bars!!!!!!!!!!!