Cooking Classes

Happy New Year!

As the year closes out, I'd like to thank all of our friends in the community who have stood by and supported us through a big year of growth with the opening of Shandies in downtown Paducah.  It's not always been easy, and a few mistakes were made along the way, but as has been the case with the growth of Artisan Kitchen, we learn quick, and try to be honest with ourselves about what is and is not working.  Thank you for your patience,  your patronage and your friendship.  

The staff at Artisan Kitchen deserves a big thank you.   They have been a steady inspiration and reminder of why I like people.  In particular, Danny, Jean and Brittny have been champs at staying on top of production and maintaining our standards.  We also added two very talented people who I hope will be with us for some time.  Jessi and Tiffany both exhibit the type of professionalism and attention to detail that will take them very far in life. 

Of course, my dimpled partner, Karla the magnificent, deserves a very special thank you.  I am very lucky to work with someone as talented, smart and hard working as she.       

Karla and I have been working on updating our catering menus and getting a schedule for cooking classes together for the new year.  You'll be seeing more of her smiling face at Artisan Kitchen this coming year as we step up recipe development for both Artisan Kitchen and Shandies. We also have several special events that are already in the works:  Desserts First, a Girls Scout fundraising event;  a day of cooking demonstrations for the Real Woman's Expo; the Lourdes Foundation Mardi Gras benefit; and the Carson Center Vintner's Dinner.  We've also been tossing around cookbook ideas for some time now, so who knows.      

So, I end the year with a very good feeling about how things are coming together and what's in store for the new year.  May the new year bring good things to you as well.

See you soon,